Are you looking to take your manuscript to the next level of structure and style, perhaps even substance? Are you hoping for some help with phrasings or with integrating alternating perspectives or even with generating new ideas? Are you worried about how to write narratives that feature marginalized identities, or about how to navigate potentially offensive subjects, with as much grace and sensitivity as possible? Are you needing someone to give your text a professional finish before sending it out into the world? Are you unsure how to organize the brainstorm of ideas and voices into at least a coherent draft? No matter the writing issue, I am here to walk alongside you. Whether it be to read your manuscript with a well-trained editorial eye or to help you write the manuscript in the first place, I am available.
I have worked with clients on a range of projects: creative writing, academic papers, blog posts, and more. My editorial and ghostwriting strengths particularly lie in philosophy and poetry, but I will consider all types of writing (from grants to advertisements) and all topics (no matter how taboo). Always concerned with honoring the authenticity of your special voice, you can expect an individual and artisanal experience while working with me. My rates are competitive (and to some degree sliding scale). And even though my quality standards are higher than the various fast-food writing services out there, my turnaround times are respectable.

General Information
Being an expert in a certain field need not mean being an expert in writing in that field. It is easy to overlook the infelicities and errors in your own writing anyway, no matter how talented you are. An outside eye, especially one with skills to spot flaws as well as to strengthen style and substance, is almost always useful. That is where I come in, reading what you have actually written (as opposed to what you think you have written) and enhancing its communicative efficacy in various ways.
I offer proofreading, editing, and ghostwriting services for academics, creative writers, lyricists, bloggers, students, businesses, and more. Not only do I hold a PhD in Philosophy and an MA in English from Texas A&M University, I regularly publish in reputable magazines (including Quiddity, Hobart, Pleiades, and the African American Review) and peer-reviewed journals (including Philosophical Forum, Theoria, Philosophical Studies, and Studies in History and Philosophy of Science). I have also served as the copyeditor and proofreader for The Southern Journal of Philosophy. In this position, which I held while earning an MA in Philosophy at the University of Memphis, I helped scholars ensure that their writing was free of grammatical as well as substantive inaccuracies and that it aligned with in-house style guidelines. Check out the bio section, particularly my academic and creative pages, to learn more about my qualifications. And for a good example of my own voice on the page, check out the writing section.
The degree of substantive editing and ghostwriting I can provide in areas beyond creative writing and philosophy is limited. But given my elaborate education in the humanities, coupled with fifteen years of experience teaching culturally and ethnically diverse students, I know what it takes to sharpen any piece of English writing, enhancing its readability and trustworthiness. I have collaborated, in fact, with authors in a variety of domains (sociology, physics, law, economics, memoir, fantasy) on a variety of projects (articles, reviews, books, bibliographies, indexes, grants, proposals, performance pieces), and I am always excited to widen my repertoire.
My rates, always negotiable, are a function of (1) the level of involvement requested, (2) the length of the text, (3) the stipulated deadline, and (4) your financial circumstances. What you request might not neatly fit into any of the tiers below. It might even end up shifting in the process of working with me. All that is okay. The tiers, which highlight the four main specificities of my service and move from less to more in regards to the degree of thoroughness and collaboration expected, might help you articulate what is best. Please look them over.
All topics, by the way, are welcome—even, and perhaps especially, topics that other firms and freelancers turn down for being too taboo. All types of writing are welcome as well: papers for journals and conferences, book reviews, proposals, short stories, creative nonfiction, poetry, technical memos, social-media posts, cover letters, resumés, grants, product descriptions, and so on. Feel free to contact me for more information.
Service Tiers
Proofreading, which amounts to line-by-line scanning for cosmetic mistakes missed in the editing stages, is the service to choose if you want your writing checked merely for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formatting issues. At this tier, which mainly concerns buffing away glaring errors of structure, clarity, and citation (changing “effect” to “affect” or “accomodate” to “accommodate” or “it’s” to “its”), expect me to modify the flow and clarity of your writing in the smallest of ways (if at all). Even though my attention here does not range far beyond that of automated software like MS Word and Grammarly, having a human look over your document will almost always be worthwhile. Computer programs, after all, slur over errors like consistency in spelling (“color” and “colour”). They might autocorrect words to ones you did not intend (“fuck,” not “duck”). They often fail to red flag jargon, or lack of transitions, or that you switched tenses, or that you used “grate” when you meant “great,” or that your indentation or reference or font or margin styles are inconsistent, or that you are missing a “the” or an “an,” or that your sentence constructions are monotonously repetitive, or so on.
Since it assumes you want to give a professional finish to a manuscript that requires no editing (no fact-checking, revision, structural changes, tone adjustments), proofreading is the quickest and cheapest of the writing services I offer.
For a quick example of proofreading, first consider the following bit of text.
Everything in the Bible are true, the Bible itself, after all says that everything in the Bible is true. Live a righteous life!
A proofread version should look more like the following.
Everything in the Bible is true. The Bible itself, after all, says that everything in the Bible is true. Live a righteous life!
Notice what I have done here. (1) I fixed the agreement between the subject “everything” and the verb “are” in the first part of the argument. (2) I fixed the comma-splice by using a period to separate two independent clauses. (3) I added the missing closing comma after the premise-indicating phrase “after all.”
As you can see, proofreading is like a final check of yourself in the mirror before going on a date. For a more detailed example, consider checking out the following pdf file.
In addition to covering all that I do at the “proofreading” tier, the central focus of copyediting—which goes into more nuanced checks of structure, clarity, and citation while also starting to take a look at your general approach and content—is to improve your flow and clarity as well as to point out errors more substantial than misspellings, or misuse of dashes, or so on. To help you make your manuscript smooth and engaging for your intended audience, you might expect me to suggest changes in word choice and sentence structure as well as to point out not only cliché, jargon, wordiness, awkward phrasing, taboo words, redundancy, inflated language, lack of transitions, and jarring shifts in tone, but also even unclear meaning, irrelevant content, fallacious reasoning, false propositions, unsubstantiated claims, and weak connection between reasoning and thesis or between detail and goal.
Since it assumes you want to make the best out of writing that has already undergone substantive editing but still might need someone to spot—although not necessarily fix—any glaring errors in your approach and content, copyediting is the most typical of the editing services I offer.
For a quick example of what might occur during copyediting, first consider the improved bit of text from above.
Everything in the Bible is true. The Bible itself, after all, says that everything in the Bible is true. Live a righteous life!
While decent at the level of punctuation and grammar, a good copyeditor might point out, among other things (such as the fishiness of the argumentation), (1) that no citation has been given for the claim that the Bible does say this and (2) that there is no clear connection between the first two sentences and the last. The author, in turn, might rewrite the passage as follows.
Everything in the Bible is true. The Bible itself, after all, says that everything in the Bible is true (see 2Timothy 3:16). Since the Bible says that it is important for each of us to live a righteous life, each of us clearly should try to live a righteous life.
As you can see, copyediting starts to belong more or less to the creative process itself (since, unlike with proofreading, it dips into the territory of criticizing structure and material). Whereas a proofreading would reveal a sentence fragment or an extra comma, a copyediting might reveal that a certain character is wearing moccasins and then all of a sudden (in the very same scene) cowboy boots. For a more detailed example, consider checking out the following pdf file.
Substantive Editing
In addition to covering all that I do at the “proofreading” and “copyediting” tiers, the central focus of substantive editing—which goes into more nuanced checks of your content and approach while also helping you rectify even the deepest problems with what you say and how you say it—is to overhaul your writing and organization as well as your ideas and reasoning. To maximize the rhetorical and aesthetic impact of your manuscript, you can expect me to formalize your arguments and offer objections while also reordering sections and changing your cadence when need be. In addition to helping you refine your thoughts or pacings or characterizations or so on in such a way that each part of your manuscript clearly guides the reader toward some ultimate end (whenever applicable, of course), I might also connect you to like-minded writers and publication venues and relevant experts.
Since it assumes you have completed a workable draft still in need of revision even at the level of approach and content, and since it also requires—if we are really going to ensure an excellent product tailored to your exact needs—taking the time to understand you and your narrative as well as the context and goals and intended audience of your piece, substantive editing is the most expensive of the writing services I offer—aside, of course, from ghostwriting.
For a quick example of what might occur during substantive editing, first consider the improved bit of text from above.
Everything in the Bible is true. The Bible itself, after all, says that everything in the Bible is true (see 2Timothy 3:16). Since the Bible says that it is important for each of us to live a righteous life, each of us clearly should try to live a righteous life.
A substantive editing will indicate, among other things, that the argument for the claim “everything in the Bible is true” begs the question. The supporting evidence—namely, that the Bible says that everything in the Bible is true—already assumes that the conclusion is true. The fact that the Bible itself says that everything in the Bible is true supports the claim that everything in the Bible is true, in other words, only if we already assume what we were trying to prove: namely, that everything in the Bible is true. I might recommend, after pointing out the fallacious reasoning, that the author give something more like the following argument.
(1) If the Bible is the word of God, then the Bible is inerrant.
(2) The Bible is the word of God.
Therefore, the Bible is inerrant.
The controversial premise in this obviously valid argument is premise 2. In developing a case for premise 2, I might invite the author also to account for the following potential counterevidence: (1) that other holy books seemingly claim inerrancy while at the same time seemingly contradict the Bible, in which case the Bible and such other books cannot both be inerrant; (2) that the Bible itself appears to be contradictory in certain areas, in which case it appears not to be inerrant (since A and not-A cannot both be true); (3) that it took centuries to figure out what books of the Bible were canonical and which were not, which leads to doubt about whether past humans mistakenly incorporated “errant” texts into what we now regard as the complete Bible.
As you can see, substantive editing belongs squarely to the creative process and in some instances can come close to ghostwriting (since, unlike with copyediting, it is open to second-guessing the author as well as to offering suggestions even on big-picture matters such as how best to support a thesis, or how best to represent a character, or how best to organize the chapters, or how best to leave the reader wanting more). Whereas a copyediting would reveal that a certain character is wearing moccasins and then all of a sudden (in the very same scene) cowboy boots, a substantive editing might question whether the character is even the sort of person to wear moccasins or cowboy boots in the first place. For a more detailed example, consider checking out the following pdf file.
Collaborating with you to craft a manuscript that meets your vision, that gets your stories and ideas and arguments ready for the world to appreciate, is the central focus of ghostwriting. The goal is to craft a manuscript that brings into focus, in a readable and memorable way, what still might remain largely in a brainstorming haze. I never ask for any rights to the final product. You have complete ownership and do not need to acknowledge me in any way (even if you played a minimal role in the process).
Since it assumes you are at best in the planning phase of your writing and do not necessarily even have a draft, this is the most expensive of the writing services I offer.
I accept only a small portion of ghostwriting requests. Given the time-consuming nature of the service (ongoing interviews, collaboration sessions, rounds of revisions, and so on), requests I accept are almost always in my core areas of expertise (poetry and philosophy) or concern generalist topics that do not require me going through extensive training or conducting research in areas far removed from the humanities. I do take on projects in areas beyond my competence if the price is right, of course. But there are various freelancers, as well as firms with teams of experts, that will most likely be able to provide a quicker turnaround for a better price in such cases. I am happy to direct you to alternative ghostwriters if that is best!
For a detailed example of ghostwriting, consider checking out the following pdf file.
Reach Out!
No matter what kind of writing work you need, whether it be one of the general options described above or something more specific (applying your publisher’s house style, developing an index, compiling a bibliography, crafting a résumé, setting your running head and page numbers, crosschecking your in-text citations against your list of references, generating a table of contents for your book, writing an abstract for your article, or so on), my prices and turnaround times will be competitive in most cases. I always do my best to ensure that your manuscript aligns with your vision while at the same time preserving the authenticity of your unique voice (even when that involves helping you to find that voice in the first place).
Reach out to me any time for more information or for a free 500-word assessment and price quote. References are available upon request.

Michael is the best if you need an editor who is also a sensitivity reader! The revision guidance he provided on my historical book concerning the relationship between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas was what I would have expected from a writing team! I have always hoped to send this to a major academic press. But I know that now, more than ever, we have to watch how we put things. Presses can face big penalties if they seem out of line with the sanctioned way of speaking. Since my book concerns the era of the Civil War, there was bound to be upsetting language. On top of making my work clearer, Dr. Istvan helped me purge the writing of so many offensive words and ideas—or at least to prepare readers for them with savvy and humorous content forecasts! My book did not get accepted by an academic press. The reason was what I feared: it failed in its language and ideas to affirm the values of social justice and to protect vulnerable readers from harm. This is not a backhanded comment against Istvan. Istvan did what he could. The result was better anyway!—Brian, New York, 2020
Michael’s relentless and creative questioning opened up so many possibilities not only for the structure of my book of poems, but also for several poems themselves! He never imposed his own ideas when it came to content. He was more a collaborator than a fault-finder. Our conversations gave me new lenses to see my work. This was appreciated since the collection was mainly of poems from 1976-2014, poems I have not revisited in a long time! Even poetry now must be read for sensitivity. Michael offered that service as well. He did flag several things that could be stereotypical or offensive. But these concerned reported speech, not my speech. He did inform me that this does not matter in today’s climate. Still, I decided to keep the integrity of my work despite the possibilities of repercussions. I am a poet, after all! Michael respected my decision. I am glad that he informed me of the “taboo areas,” though. This way I am better prepared to anticipate grievance worries during my readings.—Linda, Michigan, 2018
My writing is edgy, gritty. Istvan did not judge me for it (even though it involved a teacher’s seduction of a fourteen-year-old boy. But he did paint a picture for me of the fallout that could come. I do appreciate that perspective. My friends are too close. They like the edge and encourage me to go farther. Istvan provided a good counterbalance to that. It was good having him as a collaborator. Writing is an isolated craft as it is. But his sense of flow and vocabulary, his willingness to get dirty with me, was one of a kind. Many of the darkest scenes in my novel bear Istvan’s mark!—Alissa, Chicago, 2018
Michael was prompt and easy to deal with. I write academic articles in sociology. In two or three days he completes a full paper. English is not my first language. Michael found typos and explained English rules whenever I asked. I go now to Istvan even before I submit my articles to journals. He makes sure they are not rejected for superficial reasons. I recommend Michael.—Dilner, Kazakhstan, 2019
As Michael says, I have the delivery and the look. Where I need help is with the lyrics. The rap game is competitive today. Everyone has albums. To stand out you have to have the full package. That is where Michael comes in. The lyrics are fire. There is no shame in having a ghostwriter. Art has always been a team effort.—Devon, California, 2019
Dr. Istvan is my go to for website and advertisement editing. His attention to detail cannot be beat in this client-driven world. He catches the tiniest typos in our monthly blog posts. Having his extra set of eyes on whatever it is we throw at him is a tremendous advantage. Never has he failed to get a project back on time, and usually with suggestions that go above and beyond what we asked. Our office is busier than ever due to his editorial and creative expertise. He has an obsession for tidiness in the written word.—Michael and Denise, Texas, 2020
My blog posts come out six to twelve times a year on a broad range of topics. I send Dr. Istvan my word-salad ramblings and a week or so later I have a well crafted entry perfectly catered to my audience. Dr. Istvan has a gift for saying exactly what I was trying to say. It is like he is in my head! I have worked with several ghostwriters. Some were cheaper. But Istvan has been the best!—Dionne, Texas 2020
I am not the best writer as it is. But as a graduate student in history I have to write at least three papers a semester. Dr. Istvan always makes sure that they are in the latest APA format and free of grammatical errors. This frees me up to be a parent to my newborn. The best is that Dr. Istvan shows a genuine interest in my ideas and is willing to push my thinking in certain ways. As an academic himself, this comes really easy to him it seems.—Caitlyn, Texas, 2021
My words shine after Michael gets through with them! I think of myself as a strong writer, but whatever I send his way I get back marked up and brought to the next level! My sentences become tighter. My vocabulary becomes more precise. My structure becomes more logical. My flow becomes more welcoming. When people read my work they always comment on how they fall right into the world I depict. This is largely do to Michael’s tweaks and contributions!—Fabiola, Texas, 2018
I used Michael once, to edit my human resources manual. I could not ask for better service with such a quick turnaround. I hope to have him work on my personal website this upcoming summer.—Hector, New York, 2021

Visit my Substack: Hive Being
Visit my Substack: Hive Being

Everyone thinks he knows best, with the result that many young writers lose their way, and many stay lost for a long time. . . . Instead of seeking and going astray all over again, they should be heeding the advice of us old folk and following the right path from the beginning.—Goethe (Conversations with Eckermann)

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